October 01, 2013
Angelo Young

General Motors (NYSE:GM) is teaming up with the U.S. Army’s research and development center devoted to creating the next generation of ground systems, from the latest landmine-clearing armored vehicles to modern forward operating bases to this thing, billed as the world’s toughest hybrid:

North America’s largest automaker announced Monday it has inked a new collaborative R&D agreement with Warren, Mich.-based TARDEC (the Tank Automotive Research, Development & Engineering Center) to test and develop hydrogen fuel cell technology for military and civilian use. The idea is that the two entities can pool resources and work more efficiently than each would by working independently.

The U.S. Army is pushing to develop more efficient ground systems amid an era of reduced defense spending while GM needs to make advancements to keep up with competitors – especially Toyota Motor Corp. (TYO:7203), which has made hydrogen fuel cell cars a priority – in developing clean vehicles.

International Business Times