July 31, 2013

DETROIT – As summer temperatures continue to climb, so does the risk of child injuries and deaths due to heatstroke. To help raise awareness of this issue, the General Motors Foundation is providing $200,000 to Safe Kids Worldwide to support the organization’s Never Leave Your Child Alone in a Car campaign.

Since 1998, an average of 37 children per year have lost their lives due to heatstroke, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Even on a 75-degree day, the interior of a vehicle can reach more than 100 degrees in approximately 20 minutes. On an 80 degree day the interior of a vehicle can reach 100 degrees or more in just 10 minutes.

“We are committed to raising awareness regarding how dangerous a car can become for a child left alone in a vehicle for even a few short minutes,” said Mike Robinson, GM vice president of Sustainability and Global Regulatory Affairs and a member of the GM Foundation board of directors. “Passenger safety is a priority for our company and we’re proud to partner with Safe Kids to help save lives and prevent injuries.”

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